Pet Expressway for Dogs

Poor Eating Habits

Poor Eating Habits

Dear Labby

I’ve got this neat trick I play on my person. When she feeds me just plain kibble, I sniff it, turn up my nose at it and act totally distraught! The result of my protest is people food!! My person will add things into my kibble such as spaghetti sauce, chicken soup…. and if I really “ham it up” I may even get some bacon and eggs!

But I must admit  Dear Labby, that this ritual of mine has caused some problems. I am gaining weight. My poop is irregular and I often have tummy aches. I have tried to stop acting finicky, but I just cannot help myself!

Besides, regular dog food is just so boring . What can my person do to stop me from behaving this way and save my health.

One Porky Yorkie


Dear One Porky Yorkie

You are correct in that this behavior needs to be stopped. All of that people food is bound to cause you short-term and long-term problems. Don’t get me wrong, Dear Labby loves a good “pizza bone” or some leftover chips and salsa when she can get her paws on it, but it’s just not good for me.

Us doggies have very delicate digestive systems and very specific nutritional needs. Since we cannot control our lust for a good marinara, the people that love us must do so.

Some dogs by nature have poor appetites. Others may boycott their meals for medical reasons, such as dental problems. The advice of your vet should be sought in either of these cases.

In your case, my Porky Yorkie, you have what I call the “Mummy will make it Yummy Syndrome”. You have learned that if you boycott your regular dry or canned dog food, you will be rewarded with people food in your dish. Your family needs to give you a good helping of tough love.

They should leave your morning meal down, with no people food in it, for 1/2 hour. If you start your dramatic protest, your family should ignore you . If you do not eat it within a 1/2 hour they should take the food bowl away. This same ritual should be done at dinner time as well.

Under ordinary circumstances, dogs are creatures of survival and under circumstances and if healthy, they will not starve themselves. The typical dog will not go past missing a few meals before they catch on and begin eating their food without enhancements . This process is often more difficult for the family to bare than the dog. But in time you will be over your problem.

Another solution, especially if your problem is being finicky versus the psychological warfare involved in the mummy will make it yummy syndrome” , would be to have your people put you on a Raw Food Diet.

A Raw Food Diet for dogs is known to have many health benefits. Plus dogs can’t seem to resist its taste. All the neighborhood dogs would certainly be jealous of you One Porky Yorkie.

Plus you would feel no need to have “mummy” make what’s in your food bowl yummy. Because it already would be!

I recommend Raw Paws Pet Food which provides a great selection of quality foods. Follow the link and receive a 15%  Discount on your entire order (One time use only). Use the coupon code DCS- 1118 on checkout.

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Keith Byrne

Keith Byrne

From an early age Keith has been around dogs. He has been involved in dog grooming, dog walking, dog sitting and dog showing as well as voluntary work in animal shelters. His aim is to help all dog owners especially newbies learn about dogs and care for them in a loving, caring and fun way.


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