Pet Expressway for Dogs

Hot Cars Kill Dogs

Hot Cars Kill Dogs

I’m sure most of you have heard this motto many times in the past. It still holds true to this day. Sadly hundreds of dogs each year die from heat stroke when left unattended in parked cars.

What is Heat Stroke

Heat stroke is when a dog is overcome by heat. The dog begins panting which becomes heavier as the heatstroke progresses.

Next comes drooling, salivating, bright red tongue and gums. Heart rate and breathing begin to increase and the dog may even become agitated or drunk acting. This can lead to seizure or collapse or death. This all of course depends upon how long and how severe the level of heat stroke.

Further information on heat stroke can be found in our article on Pet Life Saving Aid

Heat Stroke Develops Rapidly

Heat stroke can develop rapidly. Did you how quickly a car interior can raise in temperature?

A study performed by the Louisiana Office of Public Health found that the temperature in a car on a ‘hot but partly cloudy day’ can exceed 125 degrees within 20 minutes!! According to AAA, a car can reach up to 180 degrees if it is sitting in 95-degree heat.

Sometimes in life, we feel like we should mind our own business. But when you see a dog in a hot car it really is a life-or-death moment for that animal. It is inhumane.

This issue of dogs in hot cars requires our compassion and our action.

So you should make it your business!

If you think you have a possibility of finding the owner, perhaps because you’re at a store, have the owner paged inside the store. If this is not an option, either call 911 or your local animal control. Stay with the dog until help arrives. You need to see it through.

Hot Car Laws

In America, over half of the states have what is known as “Hot Car Laws.” These laws vary in content.

Some allow law enforcement and others to extricate animals left unattended in vehicles without fear of prosecution.

Other States forbid by law people leaving animals by themselves in a vehicle. If you live in the USA, you can find out where your State stands on this issue by going to Animal Legal Defense Fund. This website will also allow you to download a free poster on the Hot Car topic so you can spread the word. The poster image can also be downloaded onto your Facebook, Twitter or Instagram !

If you would like a free bumper sticker for your car, “Too Hot For Spot” to help create awareness, you can go to

Thanks for being aware and being part of the solution.

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Keith Byrne

Keith Byrne

From an early age Keith has been around dogs. He has been involved in dog grooming, dog walking, dog sitting and dog showing as well as voluntary work in animal shelters. His aim is to help all dog owners especially newbies learn about dogs and care for them in a loving, caring and fun way.


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